Airplanes appear everywhere, yet merit hardly a glance. Their presence is generally seen as part of the background noise of our world. These images seek to counter this sense of the ordinary. At times the planes below are examples of the brutalizing triumphs of engineering, in others the planes disappear or merge with the colors and contours of the sky. These photos play off of this duality: there are images where the plane overwhelm the viewer, yet in others the planes are shrouded in fog or clouds, hinting at their existence. They can be seen in a hyper-clear manner, while in others they appear as blurry specks of dust. It is this variety of contexts and the emotions they elicit from the viewer that intrigue me.
This ubiquitous event—a plane in the sky—explores the paradoxes that lie at the heart of air travel. A massive object that seemingly floats in the sky, defying gravity. An object filled with people, yet appears lonely when juxtaposed against the larger expanse. A plane is both substantial and fragile when positioned against the immensity of the sky around it.